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Seasons Change
Hey All!
Summer is winding down and there are just a few more concerts and festivals before the weather gets cold and we go back in the studio. Including one TONIGHT!!! Come hang out with us if you can!
Also, as subscribers to our email/text list you have access to unreleased music! Check it out below if you haven't yet!
Saturday, August 31st, 6pm
Snow Capped Cider Taproom
105 Main St, Cedaredge, CO
Sunday, September 15th, 4:30pm
14th Annual Car Show at Calvary Baptist Church
1290 A St, Delta, CO
Saturday, September 28th, 6pm
Snow Capped Cider Taproom
105 Main St, Cedaredge, CO
Saturday, October 5th, 5pm
TBD, Grand Junction, CO
Sunday, October 6th, 12pm
Cedaredge Town Park
350 SW 2nd St, Cedaredge, CO
You can also always check our calendar to see where we are playing on our calendar.
Thanks for listening!
Tanya & Jim

Unreleased music!